Leigh Ann

Leigh Ann

Listen every weekday to Leigh Ann from 6:00am to 10:00am.Full Bio


Plano Teen Honored On Kelly Clarkson Show Today For His Non-Profit

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Fourteen-year-old Jaxson Turner of Plano is one incredible kid. He'll be featured on The Kelly Clarkson show today for the amazing things he does for our community. Listen to Leigh Ann's good news story of the day to hear his incredible story.

Here is where to find more info on Jaxson's non-profit. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FWww.N2Y2C.org%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1jfMz3q4Hgn5v_-LvjuU-r27oyJGU-btDB3CTDBsj1wWYkLNaNTUTxwng&h=AT2tedoCgvRcO61s9VDfdAhUUZEIL9De43c8IOPVv6kKHPJDQfNOnEMXn6hqClSry_qeGKqs6ywy9carDidwIKL1aEPQaypx6kWuPhs7QbXef7BtjcLkPPQShSENFT2GPhg

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