Photo: Getty Images
Readers inside a Texas library were in for an exciting surprise when a squirrel decided to run in and zoom through the aisles!
The New Braunfels Public Library was able to capture the unexpected moment on video and it was shared on the City of New Braunfels official TikTok account, where it received over 40,000 views since it was posted Wednesday (March 15). "A squirrel ran inside the New Braunfels Public Library," the video was captioned. The nearly 30-second video shows the little critter running through the aisles at top speeds as what appears to be library staff hilariously chasing after it with a shopping basket. Library patrons were clearly shocked and confused at the situation unfolding as they read. As someone chased after the squirrel, they even accidentally ran into a young girl!
A user in the comments said she hoped the girl was OK, and the city replied, "Despite how it looks, no little girls were harmed! She brushed it right off!"
"Well. That was nuts," said another user.
"Pure good old fashioned entertainment," said another.
At the end of the video, the squirrel was finally captured underneath the shopping basket and on top of a cardboard box and it was seemingly taken outside.
Watch the hilarious video for yourself below!