Hallie's Heroes Debuts Rockstar Video & Teen Titans Movie Fundraiser

Studio Movie Grill has generously donated the venue and seats for Hallie's Heroes to premiere the Rockstar video and Leigh Ann & Jeremy will be hosting! This will be an event you don't want to miss! The video will show prior to the new Teen Titans movie. There are only 208 seats in the theater, so act quick!

What You Need to Know:

1) Bring your Event Brite Tickets with you-SMG isn't selling tickets to this event at their theater or onsite.

2) The events start at 7pm, please be at the theater at least 15 minutes prior to start time.

3) Seating is on a first come/first served basis, we will be in theater 4.

4) You will need to check in at the Hallie's Heroes table when you arrive to get your ticket validated and get your seating.

5) Not only is this our video premiere, but SMG has turned this into a fundaiser for Hallie's Heroes. Proceeds from the ticket sales go right to our charity!

6) Bring your Rockstar attitude!


Hallie Bea Barnard is looking for a bone marrow match. She was diagnosed with a very rare bone marrow disorder, Diamond Blackfan Anemia (DBA), at 13 months of age. She is now 9.

Hallie’s Heroes was born in July of 2015. Using Hallie’s strength and courage as our example, we decided to not just try to save our girl, but also the 14,000 other people who are desperately waiting to find their bone marrow matches.

Hallie’s Heroes’ mission is to raise money to fund research to find a cure for DBA, to educate and advocate for bone marrow donors, and to host bone marrow drives in order to find matches for all patients.

To sign up to be a potential life saver, please go to: https://www.dkms.org/en 

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