Do Not Look Ellen In The Eye Is Just One Of Her Shocking Demands

You might have heard us talking about claims that Ellen DeGeneres and her staff don’t live by her daytime talk show’s “Be Kind” message. As “The Ellen Show” gets probed for workplace misconduct over its reportedly “toxic” environment, Ellen herself has officially apologized to her staff. In a letter.

In the note, Ellen says she always wanted “The Ellen Show” to be “a place of happiness” – a place where no one raises their voice, and everyone is treated with respect. But based on the stories her current and former staffers have been coming forward with, she sees that “something changed,” and for that she’s sorry and “disappointed.”

Ellen admits that as the show has grown, she hasn’t been able to “stay on top of everything” – she’s had to rely on others to do their jobs right, and she sees that “clearly some didn’t.” From now on, she’s pledged to be “committed to ensuring this does not happen again.”

Adding to the list of people complaining about how the were treated is an Australian news presenter. While staffers were prepping for an in-studio interview with Ellen for the 'Down Under' version of “Today,” the parameters where “bizarre.” He says that not only did her people demand "total control" of their show, but everyone was instructed not to “talk…approach…or even look at her.” He says they also wanted the interview done at a location 443 miles away from where their studio was located, and his show had to make the travel at “their own expense.”


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